Directions The church is situated towards the
bottom of Chapel Hill, CM24 8AG
Follow the
sign to CHOGOU. The car park is behind the church.
Fun Place on the Hill is our new free drop-in which is every Friday
9.15am-11.30am in the Free Church Hall.
Although particularly suitable for children, we welcome adults of all
ages to come and join in the fun! Story
time is at 10.30 am. There will be free tea/coffee and biscuits for the adults,
and squash and healthy snacks for the children.
The hall is warm and comfortable, and offers plenty of space for
children to play with toys and run around.
Below are some photographs of recent visitors
The Place on the Hill is open in the church foyer on Wednesdays 10
am – noon for adults only
Imagine sinking into a comfy
sofa or armchair, sipping a cup of Fairtrade ground coffee…. The
Place on the Hill offers this and more …. a selection of teas, light refreshments, good
company, a place to ‘chill out’ and
escape the telephone, books to read and borrow. There is also a jigsaw ‘on the
go’ which anyone can add pieces to. Come to foyer of the Free Church, every
Wednesday 10 am – noon. All adults
welcome. No need to bring your purse, everything is free of charge. Whether you are a mum or dad, carer,
homemaker, unemployed, working, retired, lonely, just need a place to have a
sit before walking up or down Chapel Hill - or none of these!!
- then a warm welcome awaits you at The Place. For more details please contact the Free
Church Team on theplace@stanstedfreechurch.org.uk We look forward to
seeing you.
To see photos of our special
events please click on the links below
Christingle Events
December 2017
Christingle Events
December 2016
Christingle Event December
Christingle Event
December 2014
Click here to see pictures of our opening day on 31st
October 2012
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